Laser Treatment

What is Laser Treatment?
The word ‘laser’ is an acronym for ‘light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation’. Lasers operate a high-energy light of one wavelength and target a small skin area to yield the desired results. Laser treatment is standard for cosmetic procedures such as skin tightening, hair removal, and tattoo removal.
What are the Types of Laser Treatments?
- Laser Hair Removal: Laser hair removal is a popular hair removal treatment that uses high-energy laser light to destroy melanin present in the hair follicle. It results in a follicle that is unable to produce any more hair. Unlike waxing or shaving, laser hair removal permanently stops hair growth. Laser treatment is a standard hair removal procedure offered in numerous laser clinics worldwide, including Dubai
- Laser Tattoo Removal: Laser tattoo removal uses laser light to remove tattoos permanently from the skin. The pigment molecules present in the tattoo absorb energy from the laser & are destroyed. As black pigment absorbs all wavelengths of light, a laser of any wavelength (color) can remove black tattoos. For colored tattoos, varying wavelengths of laser treatment may be used for different-colored pigments
- Laser Resurfacing: The laser resurfacing technique is one of the most detail-oriented skin rejuvenating treatments. In this procedure, a mild laser is used to remove dead skin layer by layer from the target area. It is a time-consuming process but gives remarkable results. Removing old skin allows the regeneration of new & fresh skin cells to give you a younger & fresher feel. This procedure also helps remove visible aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, & blotches. It also helps tackle acne & skin damage
- Rejuvenating Laser: Carbon laser treatment is a laser rejuvenating process that is used to help reduce acne scars, blemishes, pigmentation, & blackheads. The process also works to tighten skin by eliminating wrinkles & fine lines. The procedure involves applying a carbon-based paste onto the skin & then using focused laser energy to refresh & rejuvenate the skin by stimulating the production of new cells, collagen, & elastin
- Light-based Devices: IPL treatment can be used to treat several different skin problems such as acne scars, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, broken capillaries, wrinkles, & fine lines. The procedure is fairly simple & begins by applying a cooling gel onto the skin. The doctor then uses a hand-held device to deliver high-energy light beams to the area. The light beams reach deep within the skin to stimulate the production of proteins such as collagen, elastin & remove collected dead skin cells. The result is clear & smooth skin that looks & feels healthier. IPL treatment is also used for removing unwanted body hair. The intense pulse light can penetrate the skin & destroy melanin cells within the hair follicles. This ensures that the follicle cannot produce more hair, & therefore, operates as another method of permanent hair removal
- Laser for Skin Pigmentation Issues: PICO is one of the most advanced treatments available under the umbrella of skin rejuvenation & care. It is a non-invasive procedure used for many reasons like fighting acne & scarring. However, the most common use of this procedure is to remove pigmented lesions & unwanted tattoos. PICO laser treatment is highly targeted, meaning that only a small patch of skin gets exposed to therapy at one time. This makes it more precise & minimizes risks. As a gentle treatment directed towards the outer layers of your skin, the procedure addresses most common skin imperfections like age marks, pigmentation, & unwanted freckles. PICO also helps in the prevention of skin pigmentation by increasing the resistance of your skin
- Vascular Laser: Vascular laser treatment as the name suggests treats all manner of vascular skin issues. Lasers & light-based devices such as NDYAG1064, IPL, & BBL are used to gently rejuvenate the skin to target broken capillaries, telangiectasias, red face & neck, spider nevi, & rosacea. Apart from helping with vascular lesions, this procedure also helps reduce the burning of the skin. Vascular laser is a gentle treatment procedure that makes it perfect for people with sensitive skin. Just like any other skin treatment, we recommend a proper consultation with a specialist to ensure that you are fit for the treatment
Why are Laser Treatments Done?
Laser treatments are done predominantly for the following reasons:
- Tattoo Removal: Laser tattoo removal is the most popular method for clearing the skin from a tattoo as it is the least painful & most cost-efficient treatment option
- Hair Removal: Laser treatments can help individuals free themselves from the hassle of constantly worrying about unwanted body hair. High-energy laser light effectively destroys hair follicles, preventing the regrowth of hair. Although laser hair removal is considerably more expensive than waxing or shaving, it is the only permanent solution for removing unwanted body hair. Many women prefer it over waxing & shaving as it saves a lot of time & effort in the long run
- Skin Rejuvenation, Resurfacing & Anti-aging: Another popular use of laser treatments is to improve the health & appearance of the skin. Fine lines, wrinkles & drooping eyelids are all common & inevitable signs of ageing that laser treatments can reverse. Even after receiving care, people suffering from acne might be left with severe scarring & hyperpigmentation. Laser treatments can help greatly reduce these skin problems by promoting the production of collagen, elastin, & new skin to replace damaged cells
- Treatment of some Congenital Nevi Birthmarks: Lasers are also used to treat congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN). Although harmless, CMN can be aesthetically unpleasing for some people with the added fear of them turning malignant with time. For this reason, many men & women undergo laser treatment to remove CMN from their skin. The outer layer of skin is exposed to laser wavelengths at short intervals for the removal of the lesions. Apart from CMN, laser therapy is also useful for removing other birthmarks
- Removing Skin Lesions (Moles): Moles are another commonly targeted area for laser treatment. The treatment uses small bursts of light to gently break down the skin cells that make up moles. As the cells break, the mole begins to dry up to eventually fall off. As laser mole removal is a precision treatment, only the mole gets affected. The best part about this procedure is that the treatment takes only a few minutes & requires no downtime. You can continue with your daily routine without disruption
- Reduce Redness (Sensitivity of Skin): Laser treatment is also used to reduce redness of the skin—typically of the face. The procedure uses intense light beams to gently target redness. The patient may feel some slight pain after the procedure, but it will subside quickly
What are the Benefits of Laser Treatments?
Laser treatments are known to show the following benefits:
- Reduction & elimination of wrinkles & saggy skin
- Elimination of broken capillaries in the face
- Elimination of stretch marks
- Tightening of facial skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance
- Elimination of acne scars, resulting in smoother & more even skin
- Permanently smooth & hairless body
Results of Laser Treatments
Laser treatment for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, & tattoo removal has shown positive & lasting results. While the results are not immediate, & each procedure has its own healing time, laser hair removal often requires multiple sessions before the hair is eliminated. The hair that grows after laser treatment is always thinner & less noticeable than normal hair.
After laser skin rejuvenation & resurfacing, the skin requires care & time to heal—the recovery time post-procedure is usually between 10 & 25 days. Once the skin has healed, it becomes visibly smoother, tighter, & clearer than before. Laser tattoo removal also requires that the recipient take good care of the area until it is fully healed. As in laser treatments, tattoo removal also has guaranteed results.
Laser Treatments in Dubai
Like any other cosmetic procedure, laser treatments carry certain risks. That is why, when choosing a laser clinic for treatment, it is important to ensure that you are in the hands of expert professionals. Medcare offers a team of talented & skilled aestheticians who are well-versed in all aspects of the procedures. This allows a safe & pleasant experience for patients where risks are greatly minimized to ensure positive results without anxiety.
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