Dr. Sarah Azeez


Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine

Dr Sarah Azeez is a Specialist in Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine in the Dermatology Department of the Khawaneej branch of Medcare Medical Centre. She completed her MBChB from the University of Mosul, Iraq and her Master's Degree in Dermatology from the Mansoura University, Egypt. She further qualified herself with a Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine, Cosmetics & Laser from the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. She is a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) and the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM).

Dr. Azeez’ work experience spans several countries including Iraq, Egypt, Oman and the UAE. During the initial years of her career she was a Resident Doctor at the Al Salam Teaching Hospital in Iraq and then a Dermatology Resident Doctor at the renowned Al Mansoura University Hospital in Egypt. Later, she joined the Al Hayah Medical International Center in Oman as a Specialist Dermatologist and subsequently relocated to the UAE. Before joining Medcare she served as a Specialist Dermatologist at the Saudi German Clinics in Dubai.

Dr. Azeez treats all general skin conditions including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, skin allergies, acne and infectious skin diseases. Her expertise covers hair fall and hair disorders, children skin diseases, and removal of skin tags, warts and moles. She performs skin surgeries including electrocautery, radiofrequency, cryo-surgery, skin biopsy, skin endoscopy and surgeries for acne, keloid treatments and biological therapy for chronic skin diseases. Her special interest focuses on the use of aesthetic medicine including dermal fillers, Botox, face contouring, non-surgical thread lifting, platelet-rich plasma, mesotherapy, anti-ageing, skin bio revitalization and laser therapy and micrograft stem cells for hair disorders.  

She speaks Arabic and English.

Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine
Khawaneej - Medcare Medical Centre
Years of Experience
10 years

MBChB from the University of Mosul, Iraq,

Master's Degree in Dermatology from the Mansoura University, Egypt,

Diploma in Aesthetic Medicine, Cosmetics & Laser from the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine, USA

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