Antenatal Care Package In Dubai

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Antenatal Care 

Package Pricing: AED 4,850 for 28 Weeks & AED 6,700 for 12 Weeks

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The Antenatal Care Package is meant for expectant mothers. This package is available at Sheikh Zayed Road - Medcare Women & Children Hospital.

The 12-Week Antenatal Package comprises of 25 Tests & 10 Consultations.

  • 12 Weeks: 1st Consultation & Counselling, Complete Blood Count (CBC), Blood Group, Rh Typing, Indirect Coomb's Test, RBS or GCT, TSH, VDRL, HIV, HBSAG, HCV AB, Rubella IGG, Toxoplasma IGG, HVS Culture & Sensitivity, MSU Culture & Sensitivity, PAPPA, N T Scan
  • 18 Weeks: 2nd Consultation, 1st Follow up
  • 20 Weeks: Foetal Anamoly Scan
  • 25 Weeks: 3rd Consultation, 2nd Follow up, Ultrasound Screening, Indirect Coomb's Test, GTT.
  • 29 Weeks: 4th Consultation 3rd Follow up, Ultrasound Screening
  • 32 Weeks: 5th Consultation 4th Follow up
  • 35 Weeks: 6th Consultation 5th Follow up, Hemoglobin, Indirect Coomb's test, HVS Culture & Sensitivity, Ultrasound screening
  • 37 Weeks: 7th Consultation 6th Follow up
  • 38 Weeks: 8th Consultation 7th Follow up
  • 40 Weeks: 9th Consultation 8th Follow up
  • 41 Weeks: 10th Consultation 9th Follow up

Inclusions of the 28-Week Antenatal Care Package:

The 28-Week Antenatal Package comprises of 18 Tests & 6 Consultations.

  • 28 Weeks: 1st Consultation & counselling, Complete Blood Count (CBC), Blood Group, Rh Typing, Indirect Coomb's Test, Glucose Tolerance test (GTT), TSH, VDRL, HIV, HBSAG, HCV AB, Rubella IGG, Toxoplasma IGG, HVS Culture & Sensitivity, Urine Culture & Sensitivity, Ultrasound Screening.
  • 32 Weeks: 2nd Consultation, 1st Follow up - Any further investigations required by your doctor
  • 35 Weeks: 3rd Consultation, 2nd Follow up - Any further investigations required by your doctor
  • 37 Weeks: 4th Consultation, 3rd Follow up, CBC, Indirect Coomb's test, HVS Culture & Sensitivity, Ultrasound screening
  • 38 Weeks: 5th Consultation 4th Follow up
  • 40 Weeks: 6th Consultation 5th Follow up
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الأسئلة الشائعة:


  • Who should book the Antenatal package?

    A: Welcome your baby into the world by ensuring they are healthy & comfortable in the first few months of their life. Our Antenatal package features premium tests & consultations with our leading experts. This comprehensive package investigates all areas of your newborn’s health & can identify areas that may need further medical attention.

  • What preparation is needed for this Checkup?

    A: Fasting if recommended by the physician, otherwise not required.

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