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What is Sinus Infection (Sinusitis)

Sinus Infection (Sinusitis) occurs when the tissues lining your sinuses, which are small air pockets located behind your forehead, nose, cheekbones, and eyes, become inflamed. Mucus builds up, which encourages bacteria and germs to grow in your sinus cavity, causing bacterial or viral infection. Excess mucus is common if you have a cold or allergies

Possible Causes of Sinusitis:

In acute sinusitis, the small air pockets inside your nose which are called sinuses become inflamed and swollen. This causes mucus to build up in your sinuses causing you discomfort and encourages growth of bacteria. The common cold is the most likely culprit.

Risk Factors of Sinusitis:

You are most likely to suffer from sinusitis if you have:

  • Allergic conditions that affects your sinuses
  • A deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps or tumours
  • Cystic fibrosis or an immune system disorder such as HIV/AIDS
  • Exposure to air pollution or smoke.

Signs & Symptoms of Sinusitis:

Sinusitis symptoms include the following:

  • The most predominant symptoms of sinusitis are pain, swelling and pressure around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead that becomes worse when you bend down.
  • This may be accompanied by a nasal blockage and yellow or green phlegm.
  • Some people experience sinusitis headache, toothache, diminished sense of smell, bad breath, fatigue, fever, cough and pressure in the ear.

Sinusitis Diagnosis:

An understanding of the symptoms and a physical examination of your face and nose enables the ENT specialists at Medcare to diagnose sinusitis.

Some other methods that may be used to isolate the condition and rule out other complications - nasal endoscopy, CT scan, laboratory tests to analyse nasal and sinus tissue, and allergy testing.

Sinusitis Treatment in Dubai & Sharjah:

Get your sinusitis properly diagnosed and treated at the Medcare ENT Department. The sinusitis specialists here will draw up a treatment best suited to your health and condition:

  • The first line of sinusitis treatment recommended by our doctor is likely to involve saline nasal spray, nasal corticosteroids, decongestants and pain relievers.
  • If your sinusitis symptoms are severe or persistent our doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
  • If your sinusitis is attributed to allergies, then immunotherapy is recommended.
  • If your sinusitis symptoms persist and last more than 12 weeks in spite of medical treatment, it is called chronic sinusitis.
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Sinusitis FAQs:

Sinusitis FAQs:


  • What preventive measures can I take to avoid sinusitis?

    A: Ensure that you do not get upper respiratory infections, wash your hands frequently, manage your allergies, avoid cigarette smoke and polluted air, and use a humidifier.

  • Are there any home remedies to cure sinusitis?

    A: Take adequate rest, moisten your sinus cavities through steam inhalation. This will reduce the pain and drain the mucus. If it’s possible, clear your nasal passages with a nasal lavage.

  • How does immunotherapy help to reduce sinusitis?

    A: Sinusitis caused by allergies can reduce by immunotherapy. Allergy shots are given to reduce the body’s reaction to allergens, and this may reduce the sinusitis.

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