For us to feel good emotionally, we have to look after ourselves. – Sam Owen

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Liposuction & tummy tuck

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that breaks up and removes fat from the body. This procedure can be performed on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, neck, chin, arms, calves, and back. A tummy tuck is also called an abdominoplasty and is a cosmetic surgery to reduce the fat from the abdomen and make it more firm.

Possible Causes: 

Both liposuction and tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, are cosmetic surgeries. The objective of liposuction is to smoothen the surface of your body by removing lumps of fat from the abdomen, thighs, hips, or buttocks. Liposuction is indicated for breast reduction or treatment of gynaecomastia. 

Abdominoplasty is a major surgery to remove fat and tighten the muscles in the abdomen. Due to pregnancy, ageing or recent weight loss you may have excess fat, poor elasticity of the skin or weakened connective tissue in your abdomen. 

Risk Factors: 

  • Liposuction works best for patients who are overweight but not obese. 
  • Liposuction is used to remove fat from areas of the body that do not respond to diet and exercise. Liposuction risks include infection, uneven fat removal, or changed skin colour. 
  • If you were once obese and still have excess fat deposits or loose skin around the belly, then a tummy tuck is recommended.
  • For both the procedures you should not suffer from restricted blood flow, coronary artery disease, diabetes or a weak immune system. 
  • Your weight should be not more than 30% of your ideal weight, be a non-smoker and have firm elastic skin. 

Signs & Symptoms: 

Liposuction is for reducing stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is required to tighten the skin and muscles after the fat has been removed from the abdominal area.


A consultation with your plastic surgeon is the first step. Discuss your objective for the surgery and clarify all your doubts. At Medcare, we understand that this decision is an emotional one. Careful instructions regarding preparations including diet restrictions will be shared with you. Allergies and medications will be discussed. These procedures are not recommended if you have problems with blood flow or have heart disease, diabetes or a weak immune system. 

Treatment Options: 

If you are considering a liposuction, meet an expert plastic surgeon at Medcare to understand the next steps. Depending on the extent of change required by you, different procedures for a tummy tuck are recommended.

To start with, the specialist will take down your medical history, conduct a physical examination and address your concerns. In liposuction, a cannula is connected to a vacuum to remove the fat from your body. The treatment may involve one of these techniques such as tumescent liposuction, ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL) or laser-assisted liposuction. 

Abdominoplasty is a major surgery lasting 2-3 hours. In the standard procedure, incisions are made, to remove most of the skin and fat below your bellybutton. Then permanent sutures are used to tighten the connective tissue over the abdominal muscles. 

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الأسئلة الشائعة:


  • How long does liposuction recovery typically take?

    A: You should be able to return to work within a few days. You will experience some bruising, swelling, and soreness for a few weeks. For the next 2 months or so you may have to wear a compression garment to control the swelling. 

  • Is liposuction permanent?

    A: While liposuction is permanent, you are likely to put on weight if you don’t follow a proper diet of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Also, you must exercise regularly. 

  • What does a tummy tuck do?

    A: Mostly, people who have undergone a liposuction, opt for a tummy tuck as it gets rid of loose, excess skin and fat, and tightens the abdomen. It removes stretch marks and loose skin in the lower abdomen too. 

  • What are the risks of getting an abdominoplasty?

    A: It is a major surgery so you need to be mentally prepared for the risks like bleeding, infection and a reaction to anaesthesia.

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