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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for Hair Loss

What is PRP treatment for hair loss?

Platelet rich plasma treatment, your blood plasma enriched with platelets is injected into your scalp, to create new hair follicles. PRP injections trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft.

Who is a suitable candidate for PRP hair loss treatment?

The underlying causes of hair loss could be hereditary, certain health issues, and disorders of the hair shaft. If hair at the top of the head has been lost permanently, hair from the back and sides can be transplanted there. PRP hair treatment is based on stimulating hair follicles using your blood platelets. PRP hair treatment is suitable for individuals with areas where functioning hair follicles can still be observed.

Risk Factors for hair loss:

Hereditary, hormonal changes, medical conditions, medications and certain treatments such as chemotherapy can increase the risk of hair loss and baldness.  

Diagnosing hair loss:

Your dermatologist will need to determine the type of hair loss and underlying causes. Investigations will include - a detailed medical history, family history, history of illnesses, medications, hair care routine etc.

Hair loss treatments:

The specialist at Medcare will discuss with you and recommend if PRP hair treatment is effective for hair loss of your type. In a hair transplant, the dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon removes tiny patches of skin, each containing a few hairs, from the back or side of the scalp. These are implanted follicle by follicle into the bald sections. You may need more than one surgery to get the results you want. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment:

The doctor will take some of your blood and spin it to separate the platelets. These platelets are then put back into the liquid part of blood (the plasma). Platelets have hundreds of specialised proteins called growth factors that aid healing.

PRP is injected into your scalp with a small needle so that the growth factors can help to create or stimulate new hair follicles. The procedure is quick, relatively painless, and suitable for hair loss caused by most reasons. You will need multiple monthly sessions.

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PRP Hair treatment FAQ’s

PRP Hair treatment FAQ’s


  • How can I prevent hair loss?

    A: You can take care of your hair in the following ways:

    • Avoid pulling your hair tightly into braids or buns.
    • Avoid compulsively pulling your hair.
    • Treat your hair gently when washing and brushing.
    • Avoid harsh hair treatments such as far as possible.
    • Check whether your medications are causing hair loss, and if you suspect they are, discuss alternatives with your doctor.
    • Protect your hair from sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light.
    • Stop smoking. 
    • If you are getting chemotherapy, ask your doctor about a cooling cap. This can protect your hair from the effects of chemotherapy.
  • What is PRP hair treatment?

    A: PRP or platelet-rich plasma therapy is a technique used for treating hair loss.

  • How does the PRP therapy work?

    A: PRP is a three-step procedure. First, the doctor draws blood from the body. This is then processed in a centrifuge to separate it into platelet-rich blood. And finally, it is injected back into the scalp.

  • How does PRP therapy help with hair loss?

    A: The treatment increases the blood flow to the hair follicles, which triggers natural hair growth. Also, since the blood injected into the scalp is drawn from your own body and not sourced externally, there is no chance of you contracting communicable diseases, making it a much safer procedure to combat hair loss.

    Looking for hair loss solutions? Visit a Medcare dermatologist today for the best PRP hair treatments.

  • Is PRP better than hair transplant?

    A: Both PRP and hair transplant are solutions for thinning hair. While hair transplant is a restoration process where hair follicles are taken from other parts of the scalp with more hair and planted in areas with scanty growth, PRP therapy involves drawing blood from the body and then separating the platelet-rich part and injecting that blood into the scalp.

  • How will I know which hair treatment is right for me?

    A: Hair transplants are usually recommended for people with severe cases of thinning or baldness, whereas PRP hair treatment is meant for initial stages of hair loss. Some doctors also tend to combine the procedures as the PRP hair treatment would ensure that the grafted hair gives the patient results.

    However, it is important to understand that both procedures take time to show results. So, a consultation with your doctor is the best way to find out what works for you.

    Worried about thinning hair? Visit a Medcare dermatologist today to know which solution is ideal for you.

  • How long does PRP hair treatment last?

    A: On average, most patients have seen an improvement in hair density and volume as early as three months. However, every individual reacts differently to the PRP hair treatment.

    Also, since this PRP Hair treatment mainly involves boosting the follicle’s ability to grow new hair, you may require multiple sittings, at least once in three months, to achieve the desired results.

  • What steps can I take to ensure long-lasting results?

    A: Once you start seeing results, the next step is to maintain hair growth. For maintenance, it is recommended to undergo PRP therapy every six to twelve months, depending on the patient’s unique needs.

    Still not convinced about PRP hair treatment? Visit a Medcare dermatologist today for a consultation.

  • Can PRP hair treatment grow new hair?

    A: PRP or platelet-rich plasma hair treatment is all about boosting the hair follicles’ ability to grow new hair. This means that the therapy will not work if the area of the scalp doesn’t have hair follicles. 

    PRP hair treatment leads to increased blood flow in the scalp, which reduces hair fall, thinning hair and grows new hair but from the same follicle. You will be able to see these results in about 4-6 months and may last up to 12 months.

    So while PRP works for thickening hair and promotes new hair growth, it will only work in conditions where hair follicles are already present. 

    Looking for hair thinning solutions? Book an appointment with Medcare dermatologists to know more about how PRP can help you.

  • Does PRP thicken hair?

    A: The platelet-rich blood that is injected into the scalp during the PRP hair treatment delivers growth material to the hair follicles, improving their ability to grow hair. Anyone who experiences massive hair fall or hair thinning can benefit from this procedure as it not only helps to reduce hair fall but also leads to new hair growth through the follicles. This eventually thickens the hair.

    Having said that; the results may vary from one person to another, and you may need multiple sessions to see the difference and achieve the desired results.

    Want thicker hair? Book an appointment with a Medcare dermatologist today to understand how PRP therapy can help you achieve your hair goals

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