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Scar reduction

Scar reduction treatment includes simple topical applications, minimally invasive procedures as well as advanced surgical techniques to minimize scars. The goal is to reduce the visible signs of a scar so that it is less noticeable and merges well with the surrounding skin tone and texture.

Possible Causes: 

Scarring is a natural and intrinsic part of the healing process after an injury. Surgery or an accident can leave a scar on the skin as a result of the injury or burn. Only when scars become cosmetically undesirable do they require a reduction treatment. The appearance of a scar depends on the depth of the wound and the location of the injury. Even age, genes, sex and ethnicity make a difference.

Risk Factors: 

  • Significant damage and repair to the tissue.
  • Genetic predisposition to produce thicker, itchy, enlarging scars called keloids.
  • Scars from acne look sunken as inflammation destroys the collagen in your skin.
  • If deep wounds are not stitched in time, they result in uneven scarring.
  • There is a high risk of getting skin cancer.
  • Scarring in areas of increased skin tension or movement tends to look unsightly.
  • Surgeons ensure they use techniques to minimize scarring during a surgery.  

Signs & Symptoms: 

  • Scars occur at the site of tissue damage and appear in colours that range from pink to purple, which over time usually become flatter and lighter in colour.
  • Scars which tighten the skin may also affect muscles and nerves. These are called contracture scars caused by an accident, burn or wounds.
  • Scars formed due to an overly aggressive healing process of the body are called keloids and they may be painful and itchy. They extend beyond the original injury. 
  • Raised, red scars that are similar to keloids but do not go beyond the boundary of the injury. These are called hypertrophic scars.
  • Severe acne leaves scars, ranging from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance. 


Specialists at Medcare’s Dermatology Centre use their expertise to diagnose scars through a visual inspection. Sometimes, other skin conditions can form in a scar and require a biopsy in order to be diagnosed.

Diagnosis will determine the treatments required to remove scars which may include steroid injections, or silicone sheets to flatten the scar, or surgery.

  • Surgery is recommended for keloid scars which are itchy and thick bumps that often continue to enlarge over time.
  • Hypertrophic scars are similar to keloid scars but regress in appearance over time.
  • Acne scars cause permanent scarring, and may require surgical procedures to elevate depressed acne pits and laser resurfacing to smooth out shallow acne scars.
  • It is important to diagnose the type of scar correctly so that the appropriate line of treatment may be recommended.

Treatment Options: 

Since scars are part of the normal healing process, ordinary scars are not treated. Many scars fade and become less noticeable over time.

  • As a first line of treatment for scars caused by cuts, burns or superficial wounds our specialist at Medcare’s Dermatology Centre may recommend prescription creams, ointments, or gels.  
  • For those scars that cause itching, the treatments can include steroids or antihistamines. Sometimes, our specialists may also recommend or use pressure treatment or silicone gel sheeting to help treat scars. Flattening of scars that stick out, such as keloids or hypertrophic scars is done by injecting steroids directly into the fibrous scar tissue. 
  • Treatments like skin grafts, excision, dermabrasion or laser surgery may be used for people who've had burns or scarring that impairs function.  Dermabrasion reduces elevated scars.
  • Other types of injections, such as collagen or other "fillers," may be useful for some types of pitted scarring. 
  • Since it takes about a year for scars to mature, it is prudent to wait before starting any invasive surgical revisions. 
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الأسئلة الشائعة:


  • Are there any home remedies to reduce scarring?

    A: Preventing infection and the resultant inflammation helps reduce the size of wounds which otherwise may develop into large, unsightly scars. Use a washcloth and soap and water to gently clean the crusts from wounds and keep the wound moist by keeping it covered with petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment. This will help reduce scars to a great extent.

  • What is scarring?

    A: Scarring is the process by which wounds are repaired. Scars produce a structural change in the deeper layers of the skin which reflect as an alteration in the architecture of the normal surface of the skin. It is not just a change in skin colour.

  • How can silicone products reduce my scars?

    A: When silicone products are applied, they create a certain kind of tension on the surface of the skin, which repairs broken blood vessels and causes excess collagen to shrink. Silicone products could be in the form of creams or adhesive sheets. Your doctor may advise you to apply these for a few hours every day, and it could take a few weeks to show results.

  • How do steroid injections benefit scars?

    A: Steroid can reduce scars by breaking the bonds between collagen fibres. The anti-inflammatory properties of steroids also help to reduce redness or swelling.

  • Which kind of scars can be treated by dermabrasion?

    A: Dermabrasion is very helpful for acne scarring but is also used for certain types of wrinkles and even tattoo removal.

  • What is laser resurfacing?

    A: Laser resurfacing treatment is used to reduce facial wrinkles and skin blemishes or acne scars. Short, concentrated, pulsating laser beams are directed at the affected areas, that removes the targeted skin layer by layer, with precision.

  • How do you get rid of old scars?

    A: An old scar can be a result of acne, chickenpox, an injury, burns or a scar from a previous surgery. Therefore, the doctor will first examine the scar, find its cause, type or texture and then suggest the most suitable scar removal treatment. Some of these procedures include laser scar removal, chemical peels, micro-needling, scar removal surgery, dermabrasions or topical use of scar removal cream. 

    Thus, make sure to consult a doctor to ensure you get the best course of treatment.

    Need to get rid of your old scars? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • Can scars be removed?

    A: While scars cannot be completely removed, you can minimise their appearance with the help of specialised treatments. There are procedures available to lighten scars, but they may not be able to restore your skin entirely. 

    However, to recommend any treatment, a doctor needs to examine the scar, and only after establishing its type can the dermatologist suggest and perform the necessary treatment. Some of these procedures include laser scar removal, chemical peels, micro-needling, scar removal surgery, dermabrasions, fillers or even topical scar removal creams.

    However, keep in mind that you may require several sittings to achieve the desired results.

    Need treatment for scars on your face? Book an appointment with a Medcare specialist today.

  • Can you remove a scar with surgery?

    A: There is no surgical or non-surgical procedure, currently, that can completely eradicate a scar. However, there are treatments to make it less noticeable.

  • What kind of surgery is performed to remove scars?

    A: Scar removal surgery can be performed in many ways, after evaluating the patient's condition. Silicone wound treatment, laser surgery and steroid injections are a few commonly used surgical solutions and are generally recommended. But they must be supplemented with after-care tips such as limiting skin exposure to ensure proper healing.

  • Is it an expensive procedure?

    A: The cost of treatments depends on several factors such as the size and depth of the scar and the treatment option. It is only after a qualified practitioner evaluates the condition that a cost can be ascertained.

    If you are looking for surgical removal of your scar, book an appointment with a Medcare Plastic Surgeon today.

  • Can laser remove scars completely?

    A: While laser therapy is a highly recommended treatment for acne scar removal; no treatment can entirely remove a scar.

  • So, what will laser therapy do?

    A: The treatment is meant to reduce the appearance of your scars. The laser targets the blood vessels in your scar tissue to reduce redness. It also penetrates the surface of your skin to help with the production of new cells which accelerates regeneration.

  • Is this a one-time procedure?

    A: Laser therapy is not a one-time procedure. You may require more than one session, depending on the extent of your condition.

    If you are struggling with an unsightly scar and want to lighten it as much as possible, book an appointment with Medcare Skin Specialists today.

  • How Effective Is Laser for acne scars?

    A: Laser resurfacing has proven to work well for shallow scars that can be stretched with the fingers. But deep scars can also be treated with laser resurfacing. There is about 50 to 80% improvement in the appearance of such scars and it also has a drastic change on the skin's texture. However, it may take a series of laser treatments and/ or at least 18 months to see complete remodelling and desired results.

  • What happens in laser resurfacing?

    A: In laser resurfacing, first, the damaged top layer of the skin is removed. Then the middle later is tightened to give the surface a smoother finish.

    If you’re considering laser scar treatment for acne scars, book an appointment with Medcare Dermatologists today.

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